Tuesday 19 May 2009

Pale imitations: The return of SFC

Not long ago, a terrible premonition skook me to the very thighbone of my drumstick soul. In my dreams every night, I ascended the stairs to the Colonels throne, to find him weeping, weeping whilst staring at the imposing bulk of Sainsburys HQ in london. Finally, maddened by the sight of the glorious Colonel troubled so - I summoned the courage to ask him what was wrong. His next five words would change my life forever.., "They shalt betray me, AGAIN!"

Horrified, and just barely able to avoid soiling myself in abject terror, I made my way to the nearest Sainsburys branch's frozen food section - to find that evil had once more taken root therein - TWICE.

Despite my fears, I resolved then and there, the world had to know what lurked in Sainsburys seedy icy understomach, and headed to the checkout and then back to KFBloggin HQ. During cooking, as I grew calmer once more, I reassured myself, surely this couldn't be as awful as I'd feared! the packaging presented a golden glow of extra-ordinarily delicious chicken products that the big C himself might even deign to try. But as I opened the oven door, and arranged the products in a rough semblance of how they were seen on the packaging, my worst nightmares began to come true.

This pale, flavourless chicken tasted a little like somone had roughly shaped a pile of gristle and flour into a mockery of The Colonels products, perhaps laughing snidely as they did so. They tasted like disapointment...

KFBloggin' fans, don't be tempted by this false prophet. The ease and temptation of having big C's finest produce in your own freezer will only hurt you in the long run. The extra time taken to get to your nearest KFC branch might take you a little while longer, but the memories of this blasphemy will stay with me a lifetime. And as for Sainsburys... shame. on. you.


  1. oh god, they're back. great post obad!

  2. The salad leaf was a very nice touch. The chicken just looks so beige...
