Tuesday 3 November 2009

KFB visits Europe's biggest KFC

Here at Kentucky Fried Bloggin' we're not afraid of going to great lengths in order to further our chicken-based knowledge. So as you might imagine, when we were informed that Europe's biggest KFC was situated in Munich, Germany we immediately began planning a visit. The first thing we had to do though was to verify the size of this beast. By utilising our contacts at KFC we were put in touch with a mysterious group of characters known only as 'the Development Team' from Dallas (we kid you not). Here's what they had to say:

"The Munich KFC is certainly one of, if not the largest KFC building footprint in the world. All in all, it’s approximately 2650sm which includes a covered drive thru, two levels of covered parking, two levels of dining, an outdoor seating terrace, and a children’s play area. I don’t have the exact seating count, but I believe it has between 150 & 200 seats"

Now that is big. Really big. Armed with this information, the planning began in earnest. This complex process mainly involved the use of Lastminute.com and a credit card. With the flights and accommodation were now booked we were all set to visit the European chicken holy grail!

Fast forward to our arrival in Germany. It just so happened that our trip coincided with a hugely famous international event, said by some to be the world's biggest festival. It was called something along the lines of 'Oktoberfest'. Naturally though, this was mere coincidence. It was the chicken that had brought us all this way. After accidentally spending a day at the aforementioned festival we decided it was time to begin the pilgrimage. There was only one problem: we had no real idea where it was situated. Still, that's what the friendly folk at hotel reception are for, right? Let's just say we ended up causing a queue of around 20 disgruntled holidaymakers while we probed the staff for directions.

KFC Munich is not an easy restaurant to locate. It is far from the closest public transport links. And yet, undeterred by the disconcerting distances on the map in front of us, we struggled on, hungover but determined. But wait, what was this in front of us? A test from the Colonel himself? Yes readers, there are Golden Arches en route to the KFC. (And if you're wondering whether or not we stopped there, I suggest you stop reading this blog immediately and wash your mouth out with Chicken McNuggets) We wandered on until suddenly, a familiar shape appeared on the horizon. The 3 red letters we all yearned for...K.F.C. Was it a mirage? Could they really be that big? Would we pass out before we actually reached the holy ground? Find out in part 2 of the pilgramage post.


  1. love it, can't wait for part 2!

  2. Heh This has got to be one of the most interesting blogs I have come across. May I ask how many KFC's you have visited?

    A little story of my own here...
    When I was around 9 or 10 yrs old my parents and I were going on a trip and while in the airport there was sort of a commotion going on. It was Col. Sanders himself. Im unsure how old he was at the time, but his hair was already pure white, yes he was wearing his famous white suit and black tie. He was in a wheelchair at the time, not sure if he needed one or if it was just a courtesy. I remember I walked up to him, oh I knew exactly who he was, I put my hand out to shake his and he picked me up, put me on his lap and gave me a hug. It was like being with Santa lol My mom took a picture of us together. He was such a nice man. So very approachable. Its been 30+ yrs since then but its still a fond memory for me.

    Thanks for the blog :)

  3. Dan the recruiting Man16 November 2009 at 15:22

    Looks like you chaps had a great time!
