Tuesday 10 October 2017

Double Down UK Review: By The Fans, For The Fans

Finally. First announced back in 2010 as a US-exclusive, the Double Down has become a thing of legend among true chicken fans across most of the globe. If you don't already know what it is, well, you're probably reading the wrong blog.

KFB's frustration at the Double Down (DD) not making an appearance on UK shores was at one point so intense that we opted to recreate our own version rather than wait on its UK appearance (and thank goodness we didn't given how long it's been since it hit the US!). We've also been lucky enough to sample the DD (complete with hash brown!) in Australia and of course in the States.

Well, October 9th 2017 shall henceforth be known as Double Down Day (DDD) here at KFB HQ. And to honour it's less than speedy introduction, we assembled a crack team of chicken connoisseurs to share their thoughts:

First up, Stevie G:
"It was really good, like an Uncharted game: it looked great, tasted and played great but got a bit repetitive. I'd say the main drawback is that it wasn't easy to eat and was quite messy. I'd get another but if it was on menu all the time I would get a WZTM (Wicked Zinger Tower Meal).

Be warned though, chicken fans:
"The queue was massive - about 30 metres outside the Liverpool Street Branch and that's before midday."

Next to sample the Colonel's delights was Digital Aitken:

"Overall it’s impressive, albeit mine was poorly constructed (cheese not melted thoroughly and the chicken could have been crispier). My honeymoon double down in the States was better but I’m putting that down to the under-trained staff.

Didn’t need hot wings but a gravy dip would have been a great compliment to the DD. Guess I’ll have to go back in for more"

Aitken also had qualms about the messiness and overall consumption difficulty though:
"I actually removed the DD altogether from said packaging and discarded it. Then realised the hard way how hot fried chicken is"

And finally, Wellbad got his chops around two tender breast pieces:
"Mine was good, although the cheese wasn't melted enough either. But I went for the bacon which was a nice addition. I like the packaging too, would be such a mess were it in a standard wrapper."

So there we have it, positive thoughts all around for the most part with some practice required in order to overcome mess hurdles from the fans and cheese-meltiness from the assemblers.

What do you think, folks? Was it worth the wait?

*UPDATE* Padman has now sampled the DD and came across an alarming construction issue, further reinforcing our aforementioned concerns. See if you can spot what it was:
Yes that's right, the bacon and cheese were placed above one of the chicken fillets. You'd think such a glaring error would be obvious but apparently not. Padman didn't let this slip-up detract from his overall enjoyment though:
"The whole experience was glorious. I did open the packet the wrong way which was my own fault. Chicken was moist and perfectly cooked and the bacon does help the whole experience. If acceptable, I would have one every day till it goes off the menu. Hats off to Shepherds Bush KFC".

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